суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

da3.hr sba.gov

From this point on i promise to myself and everyone around me that i will try to be the best and only me ever. I will not curse (that isnapos;t me), i will not screw people over or talk about them behind their back, i promise i wonapos;t say mean things about people that i donapos;t know and i will never make fun of someone else again. I also promise that i will save enough money to buy clothes for me that are ME. I promise that i will only buy these clothes if i lose weight and become healthy again. I will start to become a happier person and try in school. I promise that i will do all of this not only for myself but for the glory of God. Because people should see him in me. I should be the one to show the world that he does exsist.

i promise this because this is who i am. Yes, a part of me has changed. And will stay the same. But i need to be true to myself.

my list of friends are as listed because in order to change, i need to be surrounded by people who will allow me to do so:

- my family
- my cousins
- theresa
- kristie
- seth
- lindsey
- ben
- jake
- jessica
- andre
- bri
- ben
- jeff
- timmy

as of now, i will change. I will be a better person. And because i can do this, i know for certain i will be happier. Nothing else will make me happier.


call for cello lessons
sign up for cheap acting classes
lose 45 lbs.
GET�NEW�JOB, #1 priority.

i canapos;t wait to do this. Iapos;m going to bed, and when i wake up, itapos;ll start.

eve online map, da3.hr sba.gov, da3.hr, da3, da2ppv.

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